Thursday, October 1, 2009

Pete Yorn / Scarlett Johannsson

3:55 PM by Danny ·
Great deal on Pete Yorn and Scarlett Johannsson's debut Album: only $7.99 at amazon.

Here's what one reviewer had to say at about the album:

What makes the album is unfortunately the very thing that may turn off many people to listening to it - the fact that it's a hollywood starlet on the cover. The thing is, I love Scarlett Johannsen's voice. She takes this material, which is good in parts, and sends it soaring into another dimension. She has a unique and easy smooth delivery that suits the retro-poppy sound of this album well. This is not just another hollywood actress who wanted to create an album of bad singing for her most devoted fans.

The music featured is interesting and catchy. It is parts adult alternative, lounge, folk, and retro in some places. "Search your Heart", "Clean", and "I am the Cosmos" are the 3 best tracks. Overall, the mood is kind of happy-poppy feeling that will cause you to snap your fingers - yes - snap your fingers gaily whilst Pete and Scarlett trade lines.

Oh... speaking of Pete Yorn.... he does a good impression of an angst-ridden sensitive (read... brooding) boyfriend who just got dumped. Sometimes it works - sometimes it's a little thick.

Overall, a nice surprise and a good listen considering it's an album that I would not have otherwise looked at twice.

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